Saturday, December 22, 2007

He's Everywhere..

Goh Kiat Chun, or am I suppose to call him Wu Zhun? Anyways, he is really EVERYWHERE in Taiwan. He's on TV adverts, posters and etc. He's currently the new face of 7-11 in Taiwan so you definately see his face every single day and also his "band/group" just released a second album recently so its like, you know how its like when someone's album are just release.. Its hard not to want to see his face but it brings pride to Brunei so its cool. In Brunei, his face is NOT even everywhere. Well, THANK GOD its not!

PS- Taiwan is not as cold as I thought it was. The temperature is like the air conditioner in your room. Oh man, i expected very cold. Damn it! Well, just an update for the readers of all sort, I'm enjoying Taiwan to the maximum and eating like God-knows-what. I'm loving the shopping and yes, i have taken lots of pictures of where i have been so there's more to come. The photos i've taken are mostly scenery and food so bare with me okay..


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