Monday, March 05, 2007



First off, I WOKE UP DAMN EARLY TO GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL. After that, i had lunch with Lorene, Stephen and Janet. We ate at Ideal, my favourite restaurant in the whole of Brunei, well for now at least. In like mid-afternoon, i went hashing with the Ydmers. Main reason was to tone my bum (everyone has a bum, its God-given but your responsibility to keep it toned), the other reason was to say bye and just hang with the younger girls for the "last time".


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The view from the lakeside apartment(where i'm staying)

OF COURSE, I WAS VERY NERVOUS. Its like i've never been so nervous my whole life. I mean COME ON, its Uni dont play play. I didnt know anyone except for those SAS-ians. I met up with Bee after my enrollment and registration. We did nothing for ours. At night, we met up with Betty and she introduced to us a friend called Joyceanne. She's really nice and friendly. Eventhough its just few days its like as if i've known her for a long time. We hang out daily! Today, my roommate never turned up so i had to sleep alone, quite scary! In the afternoon my mum cleaned and prepared everything nicely for me (its what moms do best) After that she left, and she was really gone from my side! That really scared the hell out of me. But, i call her every single day like maybe 2-3 times just to tell her random stuff!


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This is the one and only lecture hall where all my lecture is going to take place!

I couldnt sleep the first night, i woke up every 3 hours so the next morning I WENT JOGGING BY MYSELF!!! Today they placed us in groups and played some games but mostly was briefing about everything. It was pretty boring. I met a few people whom i cant remember(Now, after 4 days i can). Anyhows, Abby brought along a new friend her name is Grace, she's really nice too. SO altogether i made two good friends whom i hang out with everyday. We all went to parkson Grand and i had McDs

Note:I've never eaten Campus food, heard they were really bad!

As a freshman, they made us fill in lots and lots of form. Internet housing form, library form, internet form and etc. Got a bit bored writing my FULL NAME, STUDENT ID and IC NUMBER!

My room mate still didnt showed!


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My hallway (feels just like camp the way its positioned!)

I DID MY OWN LAUNDRY!!! YAY (though i called up my mum for help)

In the morning, there was more talks by the respective people who are in charge of their department it was some boring but IMPORTANT stuff! TODAY MY ROOM MATE ARRIVED, she just flew in from Nanjing, China. She's quite nice I GUESS! At night, i hung with Joyceanne while waiting for our food from Abby, Grace and Ben. After the food came we just hung in Joyceanne's room laughing and LAUGHING ALOT. Joyceanne's bed broke into half HAHA. I was reading some problemed people's column in teenage magazine and they were giving feedback. Joyceanne gave some pretty funny feedback she was talking like as if i was the one that was with the problem and she's the "Doctor" from the magazine. SO SILLY!


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My room number its in Block B btw

Since the first day, my eyes is swollen, there's like a growth there. Today a SOAR ADVISOR noticed it and took me to the student service. They asked me if i wanted to go to the clinic i was like "er, its ok my dad's coming down tomorrow, he'll take me? i guess!"

Today's orientation was fun, we played a detective game. We had to interview like 5 suspects and each of them have their own ODD behaviour and you have to keep talking to them and try to understand who the killer is. It was fun but quite tough all of them acted crazy, emotinally disturbed and psycho! HAHA.

Joyceanne left to KK today for the weekend and here i am using it for the weekend!

I had like 2 meetings today, we have to come up with a trailer and present it on saturday, during orientation night! So we all cracked our head and at last thought of something. Hope it'll turn out good. I'll have more practise tomorrow. My dad is coming down tomorrow morning, to bring me and get a laptop and also drop off some stuff for me. YAY!

In conclusion, i'm settling quite nicely. Making friends at the right pace and all is WELL over here with me for those who is "worried" .

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My corner which the "air con" cannot reach

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My study table with Joyceanne's "lappy"
(Give me a break, Uni have not started yet! Its full of stuff, random stuff!)

<3 I miss everyone back home and back in Oz!


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