The kid in me
SO i'm turning 18 in a few months time and i always feel that there is this kid in me. To most people i look like a spoiled brat who get what i want but you have no backstage past you dont see all the begging and the-coming-up-with-a-good-reason-why-i-should-get-something thing. All you see is me telling you i want something and the next week i get it. I tell you there's lots of begging in between TRUST ME! If you think i'm a "spoiled brat" which I'M NOT! it kinda means you havent gone out to the world yet! Maybe people should actually "get out there" before they name call people.
I love hanging around little children. There's this thing in them, they're like the key to stop my stressness. When you talk or play with them, you can feel they're carefree-ness and then it'll slowly be passed to you after a while. People do make fun of me having little friends but to tell you the truth i dont give a fuck (sorry for my language) I have my own ways of releasing my stress and i think you should just respect me and my doings. Well, hanging with my friends do help me release stress too but you know they have they're own stressness to worry about!
SO, about that kid in me. I think its about time i dont let it get my way because i'm getting older by the year everyone else is getting older as well and its time to accept that fact and be mature about it. You think? But being the youngest in my family that is like license to be manja so maybe just a bit!! =)
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